I've always been interested in a layout shaped like this, and I think it really works for this. its also a completely different way to view a layout, looking along the track, rather than across it. The operation would be done from behind the bins and at the top end by the station. Trains would be completely dwarfed by the surrounding hills as they rightly should be. Operation seemed to be quite intense with a variety of locos running on the branch during its years in operation. the miners trains are a chance to put some tatty old style carriages on, and then there are short rakes of Q's and La's to run as well. I'm not overly sure what the length on a side should be, but probably 10-12'.
(I really don't do small layouts well do I?)
You could take the mainline under the Bins and join it back up with the main to form a loop for continous running, which you'll need to run in all those locos!
this layout has something of the feel of what you've proposed:
. . . similar kind of idea.
Yes, I've followed the construction of this layout, primarily because it was outside the box thinking, and gave a stack of possibilities for a completely different scenic treatment.
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