Thursday, October 26, 2023

Whats in the box?

Last night at the local weekly geek meet Q handed me a box.

Inside was something both fascinating and terrifying.

Things mortal man was not ment to see.

 He had scaled down one of his early guards vans from S to NZ120. laying the parts out...

Everything has come out nicely including the brake gear and the detail on the solebars.

To cap it off, this is printed in PLA, no resin to be seen. Its not quite as good detail wise as a resin print, but awfully close, and its not brittle. 

Now, I wonder if he can do me a pair of jam trouses and a big hat that turns into a Subbuteo table.


Lewis Holden said...

Quentin's prints are excellent, he has a very fine FDM printer from a company called Prusa. I've got a couple of his wagons (W&MR L wagons) and they're excellent quality.

Darryl Palmer said...

Totally agree with all comments

Anonymous said...

ah just seen this. Ive been away from Motorised Dandruff too long!

Prusa mk3 printer built from their kit.
~$1400 delivered to my rural door from Czechoslovakia, and this includes customs duty. I bought another kit a couple of years ago, hated hot-swapping nozzles but really the kit is so complex and such an interesting project to build.

For slicer I've been using expensive Simplify3D for several years as it was the only slicer precise enough for my NZR 1:64 detail modelling, but more recently the free opensource Prusaslicer is now regularly updated and already almost as good - and it's free.

Last few months have seen major change in my printing quality.
E3D who designed the original (commonly cloned) nozzles and extruders have released a new extruder/nozzle system using a cold-swap nozzle system called Revo, and I've fitted it to my older Prusa. Leaks and blockages are now a rarity for me so after using the smaller 0.3mm nozzle for years I can now use their even smaller 0.25 and 0.15mm nozzles.

Instead of the usual isopropyl alcohol for cleaning (degreasing) build plates, I use a couple of drops of Lux dish soap at the kitchen sink scrubbing with hot water and paper towels.
