Not perfect, but they have to do. I have the brass to knock up some bogie frames so will have to do a jig to make life easier (and less burnt fingers).
Also, progress on the module sides continues, held up by more fishing trips (catch a fish and there is an expectation that you can do it again).
Its coming along well, and I guess I will have to make a decision on the colour it gets painted. I do like black (simple, elegant and frames the layout) but am willing to listen to REASONED argument for another colour, preferably with photographic examples to demonstrate that the proposer isn't on a short list for the loony bin.
well,it looks like a bit of a GREY area to me! HAHA!
seriously though matt black does look good and draws your attention in to the layout. those spoke wheels are fantastic.
i like black for the elegant framed look but have seen dark green work too (less classy, but less of a hard break between model and real world)
On Kia Iwi we have used the Resense flat black acrylic enamel
This has a nice black finish and is some what harder wearing not that the punters can get near it as its is all behind 10mm clear acrylic
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