Monday, March 26, 2012

Productive weekend

So, as of 8PM last night, here is the extent of progress. First up, aping an historic photo here

Its amazing the difference that adding in the flat areas makes even if there are no hills behind it . The colour isn't great but its not finished is it!

Looking the other way. The retail area of town to be at the left, and the railway settlement on the right.

Finally, here is a first 'ground level' shot of the yard. Just visible past the Z wagon with no detail on the ends is 1431.

So, its coming along, and it will look tidy come convention time if nothing else. I'm not looking forward to cutting out the hills as its cheap crap polystyrene (but not permanent) and just thinking about it is giving me goosebumps down my spine. maybe I'll use a pair of earmuffs and it will be not as bad. Tonight should see the flat areas and road added on the other side of the layout. Strangely enough this is actually the punters viewing side


sxytrain said...

Now with a little imagination............
Good progress!

28male said...

I always use ear plugs when cutting the foam, the sound is enough to make my teeth hurt.

hello from North America.