Sunday, November 06, 2011

RailX II

Well yes it was a very good show always worth the effort the Mini-Me-Wagons got a really open reception with lots of positive feedback and encouragement

On Saturday monsieur Druff was busy wowing the punters with the construction of NZ120 trackwork and points but Sunday there was an empty space, we had to find something to fill the gap so we brought our own Mini-Me.

See building NZ120 really is child's play

He always likes going to the shows but normally has seen it all in less than 30 mins. Today there was something else to do to progress the scale, a Df kit from Trackgang, so with a soldering iron and a few borrowed tools he had the punters wowing again.

This was Tim's first attempt at a white metal kit and he made a respectable job of it to


Amateur Fettler said...

For the record, young Tim (I cant think of a word that describes a "Young Cabbage") is 10....good work!

Anonymous said...

Brussel Sprout? Excellent effort on the Df. It should look good when painted and finished


Amateur Fettler said...

Just spoke to Cabbage, "Brussel Sprout" is what he said!!

Anonymous said...

Funny - the verdict on demonstration from the Big Train Show is that the punters won't like it. I see the sprout is proving that theory conclusively wrong and perhaps its time to try and get some demo tables next year.


sxytrain said...

Having viewed the result later in the day, I must say well done Tim!
from 'Mr Trackgang'