Saturday, October 02, 2010

Yet another loco project

Ariiving on my doorstep this week from another modeler who had no need for it (so he said).

Its one of those big Japanese multi bogie thingies. I have no idea why they seemed to like them so much but...

Anyway, comparing with a Df plan. its a bit short, but this is pretty much all in the outer bogies, which I was going to replace anyway (though I'm wondering if I can get away with using Atlas GP30 bogies as I used for the railcar as the base for more power pickups).

Ahhhh, another project to start with so many 1/2 finished. There were suggestions that I RP the nose, but i think I'll prefer to use plasticard and a file instead. it sounds a bit more relaxing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm going to stick my 'rough enuff is gud enuff' neck out here... I've got one of these chassis and made a Df... the loco IS of course, approx 9mm too short, but if you lay it on a plan reduced to the same size as the chassis almost everything is correct in proportion, including the wheelbases', front bogies, frame height etc It is too small, I just run it with littlely four wheelers and avoid the containers...
My modelling aims aren't particulary lofty haha