Not much to report at Chateau Dandruff for the week really. I've done some things with putting the layout together and should really discuss them at some point, but the work is so shoddy I'm rather reluctant too. I've been having a look at assembling some trackgang underframes, and have decided that I'm just not happy with them, so I'll have to sort something out to get round that impasse.
On a brighter note (well, sort of), I've been doing some more thinking about the Ka project. With the driving wheels being the major stumbling block currently (and the previous potential point of supply having shuffled off this mortal coil) I've had a chance to have a 'WTF' moment and a bit of clarity has ensued. The previous top plan was to get the tyres turned to NMRA profiles, then have the inners cast and inserted and finally stub axles assembled. Thanks to a conversation held by E-mail over the course of the week, I've come up with possibly an easier plan. That is to get the wheel blanks RPed and then have the stub axle inserted and the rim turned down. This would be cast in whatever bronze that the local casters use, which from working with the couplings is extremely hard, and then possibly nickel plated, though I'm not sure that this is necessary. Only 1 place to fail mechanically (as opposed to 2), and I like it a bit more.
The gears might take a bit longer to solve, and I am seriously contemplating casting my own in an engineering resin. This may sound daft, but there are resins available that can be used for short run injection moulds, so that will be tough enough.
I suppose that the next job will be sideframes and valve gear, though if the 2mm chaps cab get something like this to work, I'm sure we will manage somehow. I wonder how the drive train is set up......

Finally, if anyone has a spare million lying round under the couch, here is a deal for you. Trains past the front door, but the weather tends to be on the far side of 'damp'
Otira, I saw that yesterday on channel one and thought that would be very convenient to win the 12,5mio jackpot today and buy that place...
...and with the rest manufacture here some NZ120 RTR trains :-)
dream on...
steve w.
I might have to buy a lotto ticket now. It would be a fairly cold/wet place to live but I might be able to put up with it for the sound of 5 DXCs at full noise at least 8 times a day. The place has a lot of potenital but requires an investor with money and vision. As far as weing flood and earthquake prone, its no more so than anywhere else on the westcoast from what I can tell.
and, did YOU win the 13mio ? it wasn't me but someone did...
steve w.
It wasn't me that won. Oh well guess Ill have to come up with another plan to be mayor of my own small town.
Ryan Gibbs
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