Photo for the week comes from Drew with the first of the DFT's for Auckland passing through Taranaki. Comments have revolved around how to add the numbers in white to the long hood.
I've also come up with that major difference between the 2mm/N scale groups in GB and our little NZ120 fraternity here. These 2 organisations are similar in size and financials to the local Guild (each association has an annual membership fee of 20 quid). Thus they actually have funds to subsidise small projects. this is not a perfect system as I see in the last couple of weeks that the supply of wheels is currently up in the air until new assemblers can be found.NZR modeling in this country has always been lead by private enterprise, but the numbers of potential customers were much higher.
(Oh, and before anyone suggests that the guild might subsidise bits for NZ120, don't bother. The guild has a long history of not getting involved in anything like this, and rightly so.)
Things have been happening on the workbench though, as I laid out the sleepers for the other side of the south end of Paekakariki.
Examination of the initial plan revealed that I had placed the blades for the second point on top of the frog for the first, so I had to do a bit of re-gigging at this point to get things looking a bit better.
Au Contraire....7010 was the first DFB (Brightstar Equipped) out of the paintshop, 7348 is the second....7104 is next for the treatment.
Glad to see someone is doing something.. :-(
Locos for Auckland going via Taranaki!!!??? have they reopened to SOL???
I think its more a case of Drew hijacking them when they come into the Palmy Yard...
("I want that one....")
Not a perfect system but it does guarantee a supply of wheels most of the time. The N Gauge Society has other 'issues' and have maintained that some wheels are OOS for a year, when a direct approach to their manufacturer found they were indeed sitting on his shelves. So, joining a society may not in all cases get you what you want. So, my N Gauge Society membership won't be renewed. However, with the mass of membership united behind one approach to a manufacturer, it usually makes commercial sense for some small workshop to start producing what a society wants to its preferred standard. Same applies in the 3mm world too.
I personally like the Farish wheels which are 'finescale enough' for TT, available as parts, and a bit better than what the N Gauge Society sell.
Not sure why but the system made my above post 'anonymous'. Which I am certainly not!
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