Sunday, December 20, 2009

J5 - Update

Am_Fet writes:

If anyone is looking for me, I'll be in a dark room trying to uncross my eyes...


lalover said...

Looks like one of those makers photos ! :-)

Andrew Hamblyn said...

Good grief!! That is awsome!

... and so small!

A thought... could you burn the detail of the wagon sides onto a clear piece of acetate or something?? Its looks awfully fragile.

Well done - must have been a challange to assemble?

Kiwibonds said...

Ev, great to see the mega shrinking death ray is coming along well. Bwa haha haha.

Amateur Fettler said... the polarity wrong and accidentally set it to "engorge"...then hit the matchbox instead.

Sorry about that, Chief...

Amateur Fettler said...

But seriously...Assembly wasnt too bad, hardest parts were peeling the paper off the wood (its snapped at the back) and lining the planks up before the glue set. The wood itself is suprisingly resilient. The Mk II model now with the cutters will have the floors and roof, which will make it a lot more rigid. Plus the doors might finally make an appearance!