Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Put the Kettle on

For a change of pace tonight, I sat down at the bench and picked up the first thing that really came into view. So its time for a Wf update. The bit that I had been angsting over was the rear bogie. I had previously cut the bit of brass for the main bar, but had to spend 15 minutes finding it after the last clean up. I cut a couple of bits of copper tube ( I had it lying around so I used it) to the right length using the same sort of methods I've previously used for the Ed. However I didn't have enough room for a 2 part suspension system, so I've just gone with the 2 axles attached to a single beam. What could go wrong?

Some short tests show that I'll have to add more weight to the outside end of the bogie to keep the leading axle on the track. I'll also have to think about how I'm going to conceal the fact that the chassis is about 2mm too long.


lalover said...

Hmmmmm methinks you could add 2mm extra to the body.....

I know its stating the obvious! but longer tanks (1mm) and possibly 1mm extra in the bunker should work

Motorised Dandruff said...

I was thinking 1mm in the tnks and 1/5 an mm in the cab and bunker. at least its not 5-10mm, that would be in the too hard basket.

MaverickNZ said...

2mm is only 240mm in full size. Over the length of a 10400mm loco 240mm isn't much of a concern is it?

RyaN Gibbs