Sunday, December 24, 2023

Studholme 5 - Finishing off topping it off.

DB finally finishes off the top. 

Having had a broken and oddly shaped leftover piece of dark coloured hardboard(?) lying around, which happened to be the same depth as the 3mm MDF, and was 1200 long, I decided to use that to deck the centre module. Yes, that stuff is even worse than MDF and will be impossible to staple into, and almost impossible to bang things into, but it will do. And I had it already. So I cut a side straight and used the table saw to make a 400mm-wide piece.

The areas at one end that will be fields then had to be cut away, to leave a raised trackbed (to match the North module), so this was measured up and the tracks were laid out to see what needed to be removed. The southern end of this is a full width yard, to match the South module, so nothing had to be cut there.

And a final test to check things line up along all three modules: 

Now that the glued-and-screwed top deck has dried, I can work on mating the module set together. There have also been ongoing experiments with legs, points and other details, and these will be reported on in the upcoming week or so. 

The next modules after this will be constructed in a more logical build order: frame, decking, undercoating, mating, legs, track, electrics!

p.s. Merry Christmas!


beaka said...

It looks like I will be taking a trek out to Katikati with my drop saw after Xmas to help Fellow Trackgang member , Greg, with setting up his Freemo modules. Normally only a half hour drive, but with all the safety improvements over the last 2 years (roundabouts and reduction of passing lanes along with safety railings) it can be a nightmare trip if undertaken at the wrong time of day. Hopefully the new coalition govt will change the 80kph speed limit back to 100kph soon. I think most people travel the road at 90-100kph anyway!

darryl said...
