Wednesday, July 12, 2023

RailX pt 2

 As I said in pt 1 I had a few conversations over the weekend.

I was asked up to a TTrak layout for an opinion on something. This was repainted and re-decaled N scale US models. I was asked to be honest. I thought the colours were good and then it was all downhill...I don't think I will be invited back. At least Fretesch are the correct makers models (and I can tell the difference between a U26C and a C630).

I then had a chat with a gent who had been a member of the Otago Model Engineers (OMES) after I had been there in the early 1990's. One thing interesting that I did learn that the model of Dunedin Railway station I built is to be moved to a display cabinet downstairs. Now, this might not sound like much, but the live steam guys defend the spots in these cabinets with a similar fevour to that last seen in Japanese soldiers in late WW2. Apparently its on facebook (which I'm not, I'm very picky about where I get my disinformation). Oh and before I came forward they thought it was built by an Asian exchange student...

Last up was Brian Roulston of Scenic Textures. We both cut our early serious modeling teeth at the OMES in the early 1990's. From him I learned that another old member of the Otago NZ120 modular group had passed a month ago. I think this leaves me as the last man standing from the original group in the early 1990's. We reminised about some of the characters and stories which quite honestly has brought a tear to my eye as I write this.  My memories of this time are not only about the huge layout that we assembled, but also that I don't recall any arguments in the group, just a shared vision for a layout. I've been lucky enough to (so far) do that twice in my life so far. Hoopefully I get another chance yet.

The only thing we can do as modelers to honor our friends memories is to pay it forward ourselves.


La Lover said...

Nice thoughts.
Since the heady days of the 3/16th group in Auckland, and a term with the Hamilton Model Railroaders, I haven't belonged to any feet on the ground groups/clubs.
For one thing none have had any appeal to me, and secondly can't be bothered with what appears to be a lot of non serious fringe groups.

Anonymous said...

Maybe T-Trak should have show you the sign of what they are about

RAB said...

I'm well aware about what the T-Trak group were about. However they did ask me for my honest opnion. Should I have lied?