Saturday, April 27, 2013

Work day

I received a text on Friday afternoon, asking what my modeling plans were today. A good question, and I wasn't sure who had sent it. Was I going to have to find a modeling job for a one armed paper hanger?
Fortunately it was B 0-4-4-0 and I did have a job for him. you see, in his day job he looks at hills for a living (or something like that). So here was the plan. Opposite the loco depot I have a hill sized hole.

With a vast knowledge of hills, it was but the work of an hour (or two) to make one out of bits of cardboard.

I was also busy soldering stuff to finish up the wiring (until it goes wrong again). I made at least 4 solder connections in this time (with a bit of gluing on the side or underneath).

With the hill formed, I remembered that I still had some of the German scenic mat. This was tested to see if it would conform to the land form. To our combined great surprise, it did.

'Well, just make a small incision here....'
 It was pointed out that this may be the first picture on the blog of me doing anything useful working on the layout.

'looks like a hill to me'
So in a few short hours we have another basic land form sorted. There was no resort to any forms of that new fangled static electricity stuff. the general consensus was that it looks good. I will now have to remember what the catalog number was (and who the manufacturer was...)

There was then a bit of train running up and down, and discussion of options for the fiddle yards. I'm now doing some research on cassettes.


carbon8 said...

This has possibly already come up in discussion, but would a turntable fiddle yard be of any use at one or both ends?

The instant grassy hill has come up well.

beaka said...

The hill has come up great.nice work! I saw a neat idea for turning trains on a OO Gauge subway layout from Hamilton. They had a view block and behind was some normal sidings as well as a point leading to a homemade turntable which was really just a length of wood with track attached and pivoted in the middle as well as having the ability to be slid like a traverser to connect with a siding. Almost like an attached cassette.hard to explain! I have photos somewhere which i will eventually upload to NZ120 forum if they are useful.