Sunday, June 02, 2024

DSJ Part 5. Couplers and glazing.

DB relates a few more tiny steps.

Glazing has been added inside the cab. I used some clear plastic painted with that semi-transparent Tamiya 'Smoke' on the 'inside' side of the glass. This was leftover from my 56 foot cars from a decade ago. I figure I still have enough to make another two or three or four cars so should do that (adds to project pile).

Leftover bits of glazing are on the paper under the loco. Those paper instructions were fished out of the rubbish bin in the hope of finding some clues as to how one might easily DCC the chassis. After a few minutes on google, it would seem most of the Tomix stuff isn't that easy to deal with, but I can see some possibilities.

Couplers had also been added, with a Microtrains at one end, and in what must be a rarity in custom made NZ120 and even in N scale locomotive builds these days - a Rapido at the other. This is so I can shunt (or at least 'tow around'), Peco wagons. The coupler is sprung and has that little tag under it so I suppose it could be used with some sort of mechanical automatic uncoupling mechanism operated from under the track, but that seems extremely unlikely to eventuate. I've never had much luck with Microtrains and magnets either, so shuffling wagons about with a little five finger shunting will be the the order of the day, if the DSJ sees much action at all! 

Dig that funky coupler:

The glazing looks better though. The DSG/DSJ have always had tinted windows, so my efforts here look decent from a distance. Cutting and sticking in pre-painted glazing is one of those jobs that looked like it would be quick and easy, yet it easily took an hour out of my limited mild-cursing budget. By the way, 'In the Loop' is back on Netflix.

You can still see through them but only just.


beaka said...

I've got a spare DSG 3d print that will now be transformed into a DSJ thanks to your article. lol. It will be an earlier bumble bee scheme though. Can't do my Picton era layout justice without one. Already have a DSC in late 1960's scheme and a DSG currently being painted in TR scheme.

Lewis Holden said...
