Monday, August 26, 2013


I've been pondering over the last couple of days about what I would do if I was forced/decided to start over. Its not anything earth shaking, just my idle brain at work.

I'm very lucky to have a room that is 20' by 12'. However if we do decide to move (and the lady of the house has been looking at houses on trade me) I'm quite unlikely to be as lucky again. I also feel that Paekakariki, though good as an idea, is an appalling waste of the overall space in the room. If I had been able to build from scratch, I may well have decided on a layout with several peninsulas, and probably a bit more operating potential. The MMW modular concept would have got a bit more of a look in. This would have created a more flexible layout for any future house moves. This is all from a purely practical analytical standpoint. As it is, the layout takes up one side of the room, and my bookcases and wargaming gear the other. I have designs on the top of the book cases for another project.I wonder if there is anyone who would want to take such a large project on. It may suit another group (or a group)

Oddly enough, when Mr Bond visited last night, he thought the track ran really well (visitors and reliability seldom mix, he's well come back any time) and I should get stuck into the ballasting. Even the bush tram locos ran well, though 1431 needs some surgery after the mech took a trip onto the floor at Masterton. Its nice to have a different set of eyes looking at something (beyond the normal pack).

Maybe come summer when my workload is not quite so daft.


Amateur Fettler said...

I agree about the MNMW modules, I think they should get a look in with anyone designing a new shelf layout....

Kiwibonds said...

i think Paekok is a really nice layout. The handlaid track 'flows' nicely and seems to run very well, even with finescale wheels. With a little more ballast down the project will look a little less daunting and you can start doing some of the fun things like the buildings. Then slap a few mmw ends on it and we'll see it in some local exhibitions!