In breaks between doing other jobs I've been thinking about what I want to achieve in the coming 12 months, with an overall goal of the next convention wherever it is (I seem to recall its sort of local). so what does this mean in terms of doing stuff?
Layout; Finish the trackwork for the last module (major), get some servo drivers for the points (major) and control system for same, plus make 2 cassette systems. Get some 1" thick blue foam and do the scenery. Do some card mock ups of the building.
Locos; get started on the steam locos. Get approximately accurate 4'6" drivers made. Mechs built using 2mm association gubbins (must remember to renew subscription). Learn how to do CAD to make a fair bit of this easier. Oh, and do the Ew and some D/Dm sets.
As well as this, I need to sort out 'Der Room' so that I can actually use it. This will involve putting the layout on legs so that I can get it off the floor.
Well, that is a fair bit of work, and some items will cost, so I'm going to have to stagger the whole project quite carefully. To cap it all off some careful measurement of 'Der Room' the other night shows that I can get build a reverse loop at one end, and put in a 2' radius curve at the other, and extend round to the other side of the room. I then get to choose whether to model north or south of Wellington. Currently I'm torn, but I'm leaning towards the hill up towards north junction. Steam locos were used as bankers at times up here as far as Muri, then would return light engine to Paekakariki.
D/Dm sets should be interesting! Anyone else done these yet? In any scale? - SteveF
They have been done in S scale. The late Pat Eade had an unreleased kitset (which may yet see the light of day)
I was under the impression that the next Convention is to be in Wellington - can any confirm or deny? At the last convention the choices for 2012 were Welington or one other in the N.I., possibly Hamilton iirc.
Funnily enough, I stand more chance of attending if it is in Wellington, even though I live in Whangarei, 'cos the missus wants to have a good look around Te Papa!
Latest issue of the Coupler ( NZAMRC mag) confirms Wellington as the 2012 Convention host - you can log on your interest re their website already
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