First up the wheels.
On the left is a Parkside Dundas solid wheel, and on the right is a 2mm FS 8 split spoked wheel (both 6mm). I was surprised I had ordered these (the catalog is a bit hazy in places), but they will do close enough for the old style NZR 6 spoke star wheel, and the moulding is so beautiful. The wheels are to NMRA standards if a bit on the narrow side. They need to be regauged down to 9mm so I'll have to work out how to do that properly.
Next up, brass W irons. These have holes for the pinpoint axles to be soldered in, and then they fold up and cosmetic sideframes are attached to the outside. These will go under an La with Trackgang solebars on the outside to see how they look and run on my trackwork.
This is a bogie inner like the W irons above and is about 4'6". The intention is for these to go under yet another guards van, possibly retrofitted under my 30' clerestory van with trackgang 4'10" passenger bogie sideframes on the outside.
Finally, the old archbar 4'6" bogies. These fold up like an origami puzzle, and are incredibly fine. I'll have to get some serious soldering practice in before I attempt these.
So, pending how these wheels run on my new trackwork, I think I may have been seduced by the sirens song. I just hope our relationship doesn't end badly...
Just one very small point .
I would suggest you solder the pinpoint axel bearings into the W iron not the pinpoint axel as you will find the wheels can then turn .Very small point but i think worth pointing out to you .
Warning these little suckers will roll fast with this set up .
Snap !! - a somewhat similar 'emergency relief supplies' package is supposedly also winging its ways to the north of these shores, with the addition of some "Easitrack" parts to attack to see if they can survive a "narrow-gauging" from 9.42mm to 9mm or thereabouts. when results are known, if successful will post on NZ120 site.
Aparently N gauge wheels will run on the Easytrack 9.42mm, and there are a few layoutsd running with this combination. so you may not have to remove the 0.4mm from the middle of the sleepers.
I would wonder whether the 2mm wheels though could survive a standard N scale flangeway, aka Peco. Take it you are using 2mm standards on track?
I'm using the NMRA standards, which Peco are definately not built to (hence anyone who wants to run models on my layout will have to use NMRA compliant wheels). The modern wheels on locos coming out of the US are very close to Finescale stadards appart from the tire width.
If I was going to build to finescale standards I would have to convert all the wheels on every item I own (including locos) which I'm not prepared to go down. We'l see how this pans out
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