-Posts; according to my tally up tonight on the back of a scrap piece of paper, Darryl has written 62 posts, Amateur Fettler 40, and another 20 as guest submissions. That means I've written more than a years worth. If I had been writing my Novel I would have been finished by now and sipping margaritas on a beach in the south pacific. That would also be a sizable number of Journals filled
Seriously, their input has been invaluable, and Its great that they have taken the time to write posts. It actually takes a bit of time to commit ones modeling to page, taking pictures during construction, and then coming up with a witty one liner as a heading. its not all beer (or cider ) and skittles folks.
-The most popular topic has been Philosophising (68 posts), followed by Workbench (59), wagons (54) and Layout ideas (42). Least popular have been painting and figures with on each. At least we have had a broad spectrum of drivel.
-Statcounter tells me that we have had a total of 47,450 page loads and 21000 individual visits. Man that is a large number of people that stumbled across this page by accident. It also implies that those who have stayed have managed to read just over 2 pages before being overcome.
So, thank you all for wandering past and reading the only regularly updated model railway blog in New Zealand. Quite honestly I'm still amazed that no-one else has thought of trying it.
Its also been nice to see a swell of enthusiasm for the scale as well in the last 3 months. Nz120.org is getting some good discussions going, and it would be really nice to see a small freemo layout at the convention next year.
(I've managed to write for 18 months without once thinking about making a model of a De. I have however been working on other secret projects....)
Congratulations on the 500th post. Long may it continue!
" I've managed to write for 18 months without once thinking about making a model of a De "
Yes there will be a De done before christmas ! Have a look at Brendon Lean's beauty on the Yahoo group under latest pics.
Half-a-thousand. Congratulations to all involved.
Well done!
A worthwhile site for modellers of all scales!
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